Tuesday, May 19, 2009

up, up and away

Well today I managed to actually video 20 minutes from the fence post. I've edited it so it's not too long and it's warts (well mostly warts) and all. We have done the stretching down bit and now the telling time....to bring him back up. Only little bits of up, still lots of stretching down and using some opening of the shoulders and of course the higher hand to bring his balance rearwards if he starts to rest on my hands.

It's going to be a long journey and I've been at this point before with him but not much beyond it; so the next few months will be interesting. I hope I can get through the unsteady head :-( and the lunging/twisting down (he does this at liberty in the field too) but I hope we're going to get beyond the impasse...we'll see.


Anonymous said...

The unsteady head thing is interesting - I had a similar experience with my mare - she was very fussy with her head, including rooting on the bit and nose flipping. I have no idea if this is true with you, but for me it turned out that I was the problem - I was not keeping my hands steady enough and so she really didn't know what I wanted - where I wanted her to be - she'd move her head, I'd adjust my hands, etc. etc. Once I quieted my hands, the problem went away almost immediately. As I said, this may not at all be your situation, but I found it interesting.

Anonymous said...

Oi. Parabéns por seu excelente blog. Gostaria de lhe convidar para visitar meu blog e conhecer alguma coisa sobre o Brasil e nossa luta contra o comunismo. Abração

trudi said...

Ah Kate I am probably the root cause of most of my horses's problems LOL.
Funny thing with Moo is that he actually seems happy to have rather *heavy* still hands which I absolutely hate to ride with. For this reason I have been working more on acceptance of the bit (getting him to chew and swallow)and *absolutely* not allowing him to lean on my hands, very much in the vein of the so called latin/french equitation;every time I feel him lean onto my hands I raise one or both reins upwards and transfer his weight backwards. It's a fine line getting it right but so far it's been working, I just hope we can push on and get to the next stage.

Di said...

trudi said...

"Ah Kate I am probably the root cause of most of my horses's problems LOL."

Hmmmmm - I don't think that's true :-) From the looks of the vid you're making great progress.

Mandeigh said...

He's looking very relaxed! I'm just so envious of your weather and your gorgeous school!