Tuesday, April 7, 2009

the return of Fugly

Well it fair peed it down last night and this morning, waited until 10.00 to ride in the hope that it would clear but I timed it wrong and it stopped as I finished, typical. So we stayed dry in the barn and did about 20 minutes flexions and in-hand, really tried to get him to use that left hind with some giravolta and leg yield. I found he was less able to avoid using it if we reined back for two steps and then asked for the sideways. I then got on and did some ridden flexions, halt work, stretching down etc. I finished with some stretching to the inside in walk (like we did yesterday in trot) and then releasing him down to stretch. He tried really hard even after he heard *Fugly* (remember the blown tendon next door) arrive back and start calling. But, he'll be fine now, they've shod him.....argghhh!!!!


Di said...

Oh dear, or have they put special shoes on him to help the tendon problem?

trudi said...

No Di, right first time, Oh dear!!
Mind you the sweetest pony arrived later to join him and Fugly is glued to him and keeps kissing him, ah! Sadly though the kid turned up tonight and cantered the pone round and round the field and Fugs cantered round with them...not so great for a tendon but my lot were totally chilled about everything so I suppose I have to let them get on with it and hope that they don't ride Fugs, mind you I think it's only a matter of time, sadly :-(

Claire said...

oh dear