Sunday, August 8, 2010


...of a day today. Haven't had a day like that in a while; had planned to hack with Lydia this morning but she was up half the night coughing and I could barely get a response at 6.30am so thought it only fair to let her sleep. By the time we all got up and started it was too hot to work the boys so I cleaned up an old saddle I have and got it on ebay, don't hold out much hope but it's not expensive and is in good nick so maybe it will go. Groomed the boys before turnout and then had dinner followed by scrabble; some cheating tolerated as Lydia liked to pop in the odd french word.


Claire said...

you could try scrabble in french?

Di said...

Mine was a horseless day too. Hope Lydia's ok x

Danni said...

Everyone needs a day off, hope L feels better soon!

trudi said...

Thanks guys, she's fine now just an annoying night time tickle!