Oh honestly, ask the OH to take pics and he takes four!! All rubbish but heyho, I'm deleting the fourth as we're rising to the trot and it looks like I'm being kinky with the saddle awwwww!!

Actually It's rising trot in the second but he got lucky, lol. It was a great session with Moo this afternoon. I am just so content with him and he seems a very happy bunny. I can see my soft bits, arrggghh, so I'm on a diet in a weeks time (can't before as we have an aunt and uncle coming tomorrow and they will ply us with drink and food for sure).
I'm quite frustrated with my saddle, it's really comfy in walk but I swim around in trot; it fits Moo well but I'm selling my Albion (well hope to) which is also a bit too big for me and I'm planning on trying a treeless!
However, in spite of the workwoman blaming her tools, lol, I'm really pleased with the boy...just need to get myself up to speed :-(
I like the pics, you look like a very nice partnership. And he's sooo clean!!
you know saddle has to be correct for rider as well as horse.. so you're allowed to blame a saddle that isn't right for you...
Moo looks really good, especially the first pic
Thanks for the pics - lovely!
Looking very good, Trudi!
...why treeless?
Nosy Scandinavian Research dept.
Really lovely photos, hope you can find a more suitable saddle :)
He's looking grand and looking relaxed there too.
Great pics! Will be interested to hear what you think of treeless. Seems you either love 'em or hate 'em!
Thanks guys; I am ultra critical of me and I shouldn't really blame the saddle....more I should blame my stiff hips, inflexible back and tight shoulders...lol I guess there's no hope for me.
HofC, treeless so that I may get a saddle that works for both of them; not actually holding my breath on that one.
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