Cacahuète and Chapiro (midget) wait for tea
Firstly apologies to Claire for making her use blogger in French!! I didn't think but I have changed it to English now.
Yesterday was a good day for Moralejo, we worked on him relaxing his jaw in-hand and coming forwards to a *feel* on the bit (a little Baucher exercise that works well) rather than backing off it or curling behind it. Fidge got it straight away when I first tried it but It's taken Moo lots longer and he still doesn't walk into the contact but he does at least feel forwards and mouths the bit nicely. Worked on his giravolta too and finally he has got the idea of keeping up through his inside shoulder and not leaning in on me. I achieved this by using the butt of the whip gently on the girth to simulate my leg and then once he was forwards and up I could return the whip to touching his inside hind to move away from me and step under himself.
The midget got his first taste of a bit, happy mouth straight bar snaffle (just because it's easy for me to administer) and we popped it in, mouthed, clicked, removed it and treated. Repeated this four times and he was a star. Then we tried the saddle cloth, again clicking when he stayed still and treating when he stood completely still for me. He is very physically immature and I can't see me riding him until he's at least 4 but he needs to occupy his mind so it's ground work and really basic stuff until he develops more. So far I'm really pleased but it's early days.