Sunday, October 4, 2009

unravel the spaghetti

Well it ain't finished but I get the feeling if I don't start soon then I never will. I have added a gadget to the side of the blog where I will add each link to the bitless posts as I create them. Tonight is just a paperwork exercise, getting my desk straight as it were but I would like to open by referencing a blog friends  post on this subject.
HorseofCourse  and to urge you all to use the www to find out more, you too may then have spaghetti brain syndrome like me.


HorseOfCourse said...

But I don't want to have a spaghetti brain.
I much prefer you to sort it out for me.
Chewed, contemplated, analyzed.
Not much to ask for, is it??
"Eagerly waiting"
(or Lazy Lurker, whatever fits best)

Anonymous said...

This should be fun - can't wait to hear more! We'll be doing more bitless as well, and would love to hear everything you have to say about it.

Claire said...

you'll have read that good stuff Alex posted on EE ....

trudi said...

Yes Claire, although if you look at our two posts we say almost exactly the same things except that Alex uses more anecdotal evidence. I did like the vid she showed me in the Dr C but even she has found it's limitations. She's done a grand job with L by the sounds of things and for someone so young as well, credit to her.

Claire said...

she's excellent; has a great future! I can't get such a good tune out of molly with my bitless, and i reckon that's about my seat...

Di said...

This is going to be interesting, I'm looking forward to it.
What about the practicalities of riding, will you stick with the hackamore? The LG Bridle looks interesting.
As for spaghetti, my brain is already scrambled eggs so spaghetti is out of the question. :-)

trudi said...

I think the hackamore for outdoor stuff still for a while but I'm liking the look of the Barefoot bridles, they have one which is basically a sidepull. I don't like the chain on the LG although I guess it could be replaced with leather.