Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Freaking Freezing

Another cold day, I'm fed up feeling like the Michelin man with all my layers of clothes; luckily the weight I've dropped over the last couple of months means I can fit an extra layer under my riding trousers...thank goodness but I can't wait to peel it all off in Spring!

The school didn't defrost even in the lovely sunshine but we worked in hand and Lydia kindly braved the cold to be cameraman; she couldn't hold out for the ridden work as she reckons her teeth were chattering too much, takes after her mum. We had a good ridden session after some good in-hand; I'm so excited about using the cordeo with Moo (I'll cover that ONE day on the other blog when I get to that point) and used in conjunction with the indian bosal it's the best system I've used yet.

Then I took Chapsi down to the school, nothing exciting today just reinforcing the halt and walk on, he was a little bit *cross* to begin with, understandable as we have to pass some great grass on our way to the school and he doesn't understand why we can't stop to partake of some. He forgave me and we compromised with a little hand grazing on the way back!!

Lydia was at the equestrian centre all morning, playing catch up for the lessons missed during the snow...she didn't seem to notice the cold then, LOL


Di said...

Somebody deserves a medal for standing around taking pics in this weather! I love your beige horse! ;-)

Claire said...

he looks very furry! hard to imagine it cold at yours! :-)

trudi said...

I'll have you know I am slowly turning him bay :-) just 'cos you have mud coloured neds that don't show the dirt AND rug them LOL there's no need to poke it at my scruffy pone.
I'll have to post the vid that Lydia did today, she's making loud shivering noises and protesting on it.

trudi said...

sorry Claire, x posted yes it didn't warm up past -2 today not that cold but wow what a biting wind.

allhorsestuff said...

Brave work camera person and rider!
Cute pics!

trudi said...

thanks KK